
Här hittar du texter skrivna av forskare som är knutna till Institutet för framtidsstudier. Alla publikationer utgör inte resultatet av forskning inom Institutets forskningsprogram, men genom sina författare och ämnen knyter de an till vår verksamhet.
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Value Superiority

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Rabinowicz , Wlodek | 2015

The complexity of crime network data: A case study of its consequences for crime control and the study of networks.

Mondani, Hernan , Rostami, Amir | 2015

Allegiance Eroding: People’s Dwindling Willingness to Fight in Wars

Puranen, Bi | 2015

Being and Well-Being

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

Debunking and Disagreement

Tersman, Folke | 2015

Declining willingness to fight for one’s country: The individual-level basis of the long peace

Puranen, Bi , Inglehart R.F., Welzel C, | 2015

Det biologiska samhället

Ekholm, Anders | 2015

Disease prioritarianism: A Flawed Principle

Jebari, Karim | 2015

Erkännandets sociologi

| 2015

Fair Chance and Modal Consequentialism

Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2015

Fairness-based retributivism reconsidered

Duus-Otterström, Göran | 2015

Graffiti: A precursor to future deviant behaviour during adolescence?

Plenty, Stephanie , Knut Sundell | 2015

Group differences in broadness of values may drive dynamics of public opinion on moral issues

Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus | 2015

How Valuable are Chances?

Stefánsson, H. Orri , Richard Bradley | 2015

Injunctive Versus Functional Inferences From Descriptive Norms Comment on Gelfand and Harrington

Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus | 2015

Inkludering och exkludering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Bursell, Moa | 2015

Klimatetik: Rättvisa, Politik och Individens Ansvar

Duus-Otterström, Göran , Brülde, Bengt | 2015

Makt utan mandat. De policyprofessionella i svensk politik

Svallfors, Stefan , Christina Garsten, Bo Rothstein | 2015

Modeling the Evolution of Creoles

Strimling, Pontus , Jansson, F., Parkvall, M. | 2015

Moderators of the disapproval of peer punishment

Eriksson, Kimmo , Strimling, Pontus , Andersson, P.A. | 2015

Of Malthus and Methuselah: does longevity treatment aggravate global catastrophic risks?

Jebari, Karim | 2015

Per Olov Enquist: Maktens mekanik

Svallfors, Stefan | 2015

Politikproffs i kulisserna styr utan demokratiskt mandat

Svallfors, Stefan , Christina Garsten, Bo Rothstein | 2015

Replik till Torbjörn Tännsjö

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2015

Reply to Orsi

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

Review of A World Without Values. Essays on John Mackie’s Moral Error Theory

Tersman, Folke | 2015

Review of Dennis McKerlie’s Justice Between the Young and The Old

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

Should Extinction Be Forever?

Jebari, Karim | 2015


Bursell, Moa | 2015

The Affirmative Answer to the Existential Question and the Person Affecting Restriction

Arrhenius, Gustaf | 2015

The implications of learning across perceptually and strategically distinct situations

Strimling, Pontus , Eriksson, Kimmo , Cownden, D | 2015

The not-very-rich and the very poor. Poverty persistence and poverty concentration in Sweden

Mood, Carina | 2015

The Reverse Gender Gap in Ethnic Discrimination: Employer Stereotypes of Men and Women with Arabic Names

Bursell, Moa , Mahmood Arai & Lena Nekby | 2015

The role of psychosocial school conditions in adolescent prosocial behaviour

Plenty, Stephanie Modin, Bitte & Viveca Östberg | 2015

The Social Consequences of Poverty. An Empirical Test on Longitudinal Data

Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2015

Value and Time

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

Våra värderingar driver den digitala världen

Puranen, Bi | 2015

Ideology and climate change denial

Jylhä, Kirsti & Nazar Akrami | 2014

Analytical Sociology and Rational-Choice Theory

Peter Hedström & Petri Ylikoski 2014

Ethnic Differences in Early School-leaving: An International Comparison

Jonsson, Jan O. , Rudolphi, Frida , Elina Kilpi-Jakonen | 2014

Feminism i rörliga bilder.

, Tollin, Katharina | 2014

Fosterbarn i tid och rum

Johanna Sköld och Inger Söderlind med bidrag av Ann-Sofie Bergman. 2014

Framgång eller återgång till det normala? En uppföljning av deltagare i socialfondsfinansierade projekt

Magnus Bygren, Clara Lindblom & Ryszard Szulkin 2014

Gender, Gender Ideology, and Couples’ Migration Decisions

Maria Brandén 2014

How Sensitive is Old-Age Poverty to Financial Crisis? A microsimulation Experiment for Sweden

, Elisa Baroni, Thomas Lindh | 2014