A Dilemma for Privacy as Control
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Dennett and Taylor’s alleged refutation of the Consequence Argument
Gustafsson, Johan E. | 2020
Against the De Minimis Principle
Lundgren, Björn , Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2020
D3.3 Report on regulatory options
Lundgren, Björn Rodrigues, Rowena & Laulhe Shaelou, Stephanie | 2020
Implementing the Water Framework Directive and Tackling Diffuse Pollution from Agriculture: Lessons from England and Scotland
Fairbrother, Malcolm , De Vito, Laura & Duncan Russel | 2020
De överlappande hoten: Organiserad brottslighet, våldsbejakande extremism och dess konsekvenser för det polisiära arbetet
Rostami, Amir | 2020
Two Decades of Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden: A Demographic Account of Developments in Marriage, Childbearing, and Divorce
Kolk, Martin & Andersson, Gunnar | 2020
On revolutions
Lindenfors, Patrik , Armand M. Leroi, Ben Lambert, Matthias Mauch, Marina Papadopoulou, Sophia Ananiadou & Staffan I. Lindberg | 2020
#MeToo, Social Norms, and Sanctions
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina & Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis | 2020
Basinkomstens nya våg - Lärdomar från medborgarlönsexperiment i välfärdsstater
Birnbaum, Simon; De Wispelaere, Jurgen; van der Veen, Robert, Halmetoja, Antti; Pulkka, Ville-Veikko | 2020
Beyond the Concept of Anonymity: What is Really at Stake?
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks: Findings from the TRAILS study
Kiekens, W.J., C. , Bos, H., Kretschmer, T., van Bergen, D. D., & Veenstra, R. | 2020
Folk & vilja: Ett försvar av demokratin i vår tid
Tersman, Folke & Torbjörn Tännsjö | 2020
How software developers can fix part of GDPR’s problem of click-through consents
Lundgren, Björn | 2020
Non-transitive better than relations and rational choice
Herlitz, Anders | 2020
Peers and Homophobic Attitudes in Adolescence: Examining Selection and Influence Processes in Friendships and Antipathies
Dijkstra, J. K., Kretschmer, T., Savickaitė, R., & Veenstra, R. | 2020
Politics for hire. The world and work of policy professionals
Svallfors, Stefan | 2020
Sexual orientation, peer relationships, and depressive symptoms: Findings from a sociometric design
C., Kretschmer, T., Veenstra, R., Bos, H., Goossens, L., Verschueren, K., ... & Dijkstra, J. K. | 2020
The Swedish Mujahideen: An Exploratory Study of 41 Swedish Foreign Fighters Deceased in Iraq and Syria
Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , Edling, Christofer , Thevselius, Pia & Jerzy Sarnecki | 2020
Using Models to Predict Cultural Evolution From Emotional Selection Mechanisms
Strimling, Pontus , Eriksson, Kimmo | 2019
International Climate Policy in the Post Paris Era
Bäckstrand, Karin & Naghmeh Nasiritousi | 2019
D3.2 Guidelines for the development and the use of SIS
Lundgren, Björn Brey, Philip, Macnish, Kevin & Ryan, Mark | 2019
Medeltida mirakelberättelser som kulturhistorisk källa, med särskild hänsyn till långväga resor
Myrdal, Janken 2019
What to lobby on? Explaining Why Large American Firms Lobby on the Same or Different Issues
Selling, Niels | 2019
Weighing Absolute and Relative Proportionality in Punishment
Duus-Otterström, Göran | 2019
Air: Pollution, Climate Change and India's Choice Between Policy and Pretence
Spears, Dean | 2019
Are the Natural Numbers Fundamentally Ordinals?
& Bahram Assadian | 2019
“There is total silence here”. Ethical competence and inter-organizational learning in healthcare governance
Falkenström, Erica ; Höglund, Anna T | 2019
Organiserad brottslighet och våldsbejakande extremism som antagonistiska hot
Rostami, Amir | 2019
Lobbying the Client? The Role of Policy Intermediaries in Corporate Political Activity
Tyllström, Anna & Murray, John | 2019
Människans mörka materia: Om implicit bias och moraliskt ansvar
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina , Burman, Åsa | 2019
Innehåll i Framtider 2019/3
Tema: AI och beslutsfattande 2019
Free Traders: Elites, Democracy, and the Rise of Globalization
Fairbrother, Malcolm | 2019
Paul's Reconfiguration of Decision-problems in the Light of Transformative Experiences
Bykvist, Krister | 2019
#metoo: Upprop, uthängningar och sociala normer
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina & Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis | 2019
Popular sovereignty facing the deep state. The rule of recognition and the powers of the people
Beckman, Ludvig | 2019
The Demos and Its Critics
Beckman, Ludvig , Aaron Maltais, Jonas Hultin Rosenberg | 2019
A Life-Course Analysis of Engagement in Violent Extremist Groups
Rostami, Amir , Mondani, Hernan , Edling, Christofer , & Jerzy Sarnecki | 2019
Moral Uncertainty
Bykvist, Krister | 2019
Why Wear Blinders? Boonin and the Narrow Approach to the Non-identity Problem
Roberts, Melinda A. | 2019
Uxorilocal Marriage as a Strategy for Heirship in a Patrilineal Society: Evidence from Household Registers in early 20th-Century Taiwan
Kolk, Martin , Li, Chun-Hao, Yang, Wen-Shen & Ying-Chang Chuang | 2019
Whatever You Want: Inconsistent Results is the Rule, Not the Exception, in the Study of Primate Brain Evolution
Lindenfors, Patrik , Lind, Johan & Wartel, Andreas | 2019
Radical right‐wing voters from right and left: Comparing Sweden Democrat voters who previously voted for the Conservative Party or the Social Democratic Party
Jylhä, Kirsti , Strimling, Pontus , Rydgren, Jens | 2019
National Culture Diversity in New Venture Boards: The Role of Founders' Relational Demography
& Karl Wennberg | 2019
How is 'Organized Crime' Organized?
Rostami, Amir & Göran Ahrne | 2019
Does semantic information need to be truthful?
Lundgren, Björn | 2019