Labour market policies against the odds? Job finding among participants in ESF-projects in comparison with the Public Employment Service

Ryszard Szulkin, Lena Nekby, Magnus Bygren, Clara Lindblom, Kenisha Russell-Jonsson, Ragnar Bengtsson, Erik Normark 2014

Forskningsrapport 2014/1, 115 s.

The European Social Fund (ESF) has complemented the Swedish Employment Service's work assisting job seekers in finding new jobs, by financing Projects specifically designed to help long-term unemployed individuals, foreing born migrants and young people. This report examines how well the succeeded.

Det här är en översättning av rapporten "På jakt efter framgångsrik arbetslivsintegrering" (2013).

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Forskningsrapport 2014/1, 115 s.

The European Social Fund (ESF) has complemented the Swedish Employment Service's work assisting job seekers in finding new jobs, by financing Projects specifically designed to help long-term unemployed individuals, foreing born migrants and young people. This report examines how well the succeeded.

Det här är en översättning av rapporten "På jakt efter framgångsrik arbetslivsintegrering" (2013).

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