Öppet seminarium

The Future of Inequality

Datum: 2 juni 2014
Tid: 13.00–15.30

The Future of Inequality: Low Growth, Oligarchic Redistribution, and the Crisis of Democratic Capitalism.

The dramatic increase in inequality in advanced capitalist countries is closely related to declining growth. Central banks have become the new masters of economic policy.  They do not pursue a redistributive agenda and are well-insulated against political and electoral pressure. This central bank technocracy is strongly connected to a bloated financial sector, which is in itself a source of economic inequality. Governments are kept in check by central banks and private creditors, and have to prove themselves and their policies worthy of the confidence of “investors”. The result is, Streeck claims, a “market-conforming democracy”.

Huvudtalare: Wolfgang Streeck
Ursula Berge och Andreas Bergh
Moderator: Stefan Svallfors

Plats: Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57 A i Stockholm
Tid: 2 juni, 13.00–15.30 inklusive ett efterföljande kaffemingel

Seminariet kommer att hållas på engelska.

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