Arrhenius, Gustaf , Finneron-Burns, Elizabeth , Campbell, Tim , Kolk, Martin , Mosquera, Julia , Duus-Otterström, Göran , Stefánsson, H. Orri , Roberts, Melinda A. , Herlitz, Anders , Bykvist, Krister , , Paul Bou-Habib, Serena Olsaretti, Edward A. Page, Henrik Andersson, Eric Brandstedt, Partha Dasgupta & S.J. Beard | 2021
Arbetsrapporter 2021:11-23
Joe Roussos & Paul Bowman (red.)
Democratic Representation of Future Generations and Population Ethics
Gustaf Arrhenius
Global Justice and Future Generations: The Case of Sovereign Wealth Funds
Elizabeth Finneron-Burns
Children or Migrants as Public Goods?
Paul Bou-Habib & Serena Olsaretti
Universal Procreation Rights and Future Generations
Tim Campbell, Martin Kolk & Julia Mosquera
What Is the Point of Offsetting?
H. Orri Stefánsson
The Role of Subsistence Emissions in Climate Justice
Göran Duus-Otterström
Climate Change, Corrective Justice, and Non-Human Animals
Julia Mosquera
Defeating Wrongdoing: Why Victims of Unjust Harm Should Take Priority over
Victims of Bad Luck
Göran Duus-Otterström & Edward A. Page
Review Article: The Ethics of Population Policies
Henrik Andersson, Eric Brandstedt & Olle Torpman
Optimum Population and Environmental Constraints – A Utilitarian Perspective
Partha Dasgupta & S.J. Beard
Anonymity and Indefinitely Iterated Addition and Reversal
M.A. Roberts
Classifying Comparability Problems in a Way that Matters
Henrik Andersson & Anders Herlitz
Frick's Defence of the Procreation Asymmetry
Krister Bykvist & Tim Campbell
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