Öppet seminarium

The Future of the Nation

Datum: 1 december 2015
Tid: 14:00–16:30

Välkommen till ett seminarium med Thomas Hylland Eriksen om nationalstatens framtid.

The imminent death, demise and decay of the nation has been predicted almost since the emergence of nationalism as a political force in the 19th century. Yet nationalism remains a powerful ideology across the world well into the 21st century. Has it, like capitalism, proved more flexible and versatile than its critics have alleged? Does nationalism express an anachronistic and reactionary yearning for an earlier, less chaotic and less complex society? And will the nation survive the global information era, transnational mobility, cultural hybridisation and calls for an inclusive, universal humanism? This lecture draws a roadmap and suggests some answers.

På seminariet deltar kommentatorerna Lisa Pelling och Peter Aronsson. Modererar gör Göran Rosenberg.

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Tid: Tisdag 1 december, kl. 14.00–16.30 inklusive efterföljande fika
Plats: Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57A i Stockholm.

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