Datum: 7 mars 2014
Tid: 13.00–14.30
Karin Halldén, Stockholms universitet
The “gender revolution” is a half-century old, yet gender inequality and segregation remain more resistant to change than many forms of racial and class inequality.
We show that gender segregation is extreme because in all countries it has a strong essentialist foundation. The perniciousness of essentialism has been underappreciated because prior segregation research has focused mainly on its more benign female-advantaging variant.
We find that a full model of essentialism, one that incorporates both the female-advantaging and male-advantaging variants, provides a powerful account of segregation in all 25 countries examined here. We also show that the essentialist component of inequality is durable in the sense that it’s resistant to liberal egalitarian interventions.
Medförfattare till artikeln som redovisas: David Grusky, Stanford University, Asaf Levanon, University of Haifa och Reinhard Pollak, WZB Berlin.
Till Karin Halldéns sida på Stockholms universitet
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