
Bo Rothstein: The Shadow of the Swedish Right

Datum: 13 december 2023
Tid: 10:00-12:00

Venue: Institute for Futures Studies, Holländargatan 13, Stockholm, or online. 


Research seminar with Bo Rothstein, Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg 


In the recent election to the Swedish Parliament, the Sweden Democrats, a right-wing populist and nationalist Party, gained 20.5 percent of the vote, making it for the first time the second-largest party in the country. The election resulted in a narrow win for the right-wing bloc that is now in government. In international rankings of factors such as "happiness," social trust, population health, quality of democracy, gender equality, economic prosperity, etc., Sweden is a very successful society. This article attempts to answer the question of why, given these rankings, such a large part of the electorate voted for an antiestablishment, populist, right-wing, and illiberal party.

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