War ethics and international law – a discussion with academics, practitioners and policy-makers

In the summer of 2014, Israel launched a military action against Gaza called "Operation Protective Edge", as a response to Hamas rocket attacks. The conflict brought to the fore important debates in both international law and the ethics of war. On November 11th academics, practitioners and policy-makers met at the Institute for Futures Studies for a discussion.

The workshop was arranged by the institute toghether with the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace at Stockholm University. The Centre cooperated with Tel Aviv University in inviting participants. For a whole day philosophers, lawyers and policy-makers discussed among other things the use of jus ad bellum (the right to war) and jus in bello (the right in war), principles about proportionality and necessity, and issues raised specifically by Operation Protective Edge; human shields and duties to evacuate.

The discussion was summarized at a breakfast seminar on the 12th of November where the audience could also ask question to the panel consisting of Helen Frowe, Professor of Philosophy, Adil Ahmad Haque, Professor of Law, Tomas Brundin, Senior Advisor at the Swedish Foreign Ministry and Lars Christie, Norwegian Diplomat and researcher in Philosophy.

See a recording of the breakfast seminar here (in English).