Josef Hien

Photo: Cato Lein

I am interested in the connection between politico-economic institutions, religion, ideologies, and cultures. After receiving my PhD from the European University Institute in Florence in 2012 I had post-doctoral positions at the Max Planck Institute for the study of societies in Cologne, the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, the Wissenschaftszentrum in Berlin, the University of Milan and the University of Stockholm. Now I have found a home in the political science department of Mid Sweden University.

I am currently on leave from this university to pursue three research projects at the Institute for Futures Studies during five years: “Cultural Political Economy and Crisis in Europe” funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, ”Cultures of care: Why countries in Western Europe choose different actors to counter the care crisis” funded by Vetenskapsrådet and ”Dilemmas of democratic self-defense in European public broadcasting” also funded by Vetenskapsrådet. I was in the final selection for the RJ Pro Futura Scientia Fellowship at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies (Uppsala) nominated by the University of Goteborg in 2021.


Three recently published works

Akaliyski, P., Welzel, C. & Hien, J. (2021). A community of shared values? Dimensions and dynamics of cultural integration in the European Union. Journal of European Integration, early view (open access)

Hien, J. and Wolkenstein, F. (2021) Where does Europe end? Christian Democracy and the expansion of Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies, early view. (open access)

Hien, J. (2020) European integration and the reconstitution of socio-economic ideologies: Protestant ordoliberalism vs social Catholicism, Journal of European Public Policy. (open access)

Three frequently cited works

Hien, J. (2019) The Religious Foundations of the European Crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies. Vol. 57, No 2, 185-204. (open access)

Hien, J. (2020) A Cultural Political Economy: An Alternative Approach to Understanding the Divergences between Italian and German Positions during the Euro Crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, early view. (open access)

Hien, J. and Joerges, C. (2017, eds.) Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing. (open access)

