Swedish Parental Leave and Gender Equality. Achievements and Reform Challenges in a European Perspective

Ann-Zofie Duvander, Tommy Ferrarini and Sara Thalberg 2005

This study sets out to discuss the Swedish parental leave system and identify achievements, policy dilemmas and reform alternatives in a European perspective. In perspective of changing demographic structures in Europe, the strengthening of dual earner family policies, including parental insurance legislation may mitigate macro-economic and demographic problems by increasing gender equality and decreasing the work-family conflict.

Download Working Paper 2005 no.11

This study sets out to discuss the Swedish parental leave system and identify achievements, policy dilemmas and reform alternatives in a European perspective. In perspective of changing demographic structures in Europe, the strengthening of dual earner family policies, including parental insurance legislation may mitigate macro-economic and demographic problems by increasing gender equality and decreasing the work-family conflict.

Download Working Paper 2005 no.11