Childbearing of Students: The Case of Sweden

Sara Thalberg 2009

This paper examines childbearing behavior among Swedish students, and mothers’ enrolment in education in 1984-1999. The student financial aid reform in 1989 had no noticeable impact on students’ childbearing behavior or on mothers’ enrolment in education, and the recession in 1990 had the same negative effect on students’ childbearing risks as it did on the population in general. However, differences according to age, sex, and income are found.

Download Working Paper 2009 no.6

This paper examines childbearing behavior among Swedish students, and mothers’ enrolment in education in 1984-1999. The student financial aid reform in 1989 had no noticeable impact on students’ childbearing behavior or on mothers’ enrolment in education, and the recession in 1990 had the same negative effect on students’ childbearing risks as it did on the population in general. However, differences according to age, sex, and income are found.

Download Working Paper 2009 no.6