AI4People or People4AI? On human adaptation to AI at work

Engström, Emma , Jebari, Karim | 2022

Ai & Society. Curmudgeon paper


There is a disturbing discrepancy between the AI ethics frameworks that highlight the technology’s ability to promote the social good and the relationship between AI and humans as it has played out in one of the places where its deployment has been the most elaborate so far, Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

That AI should promote human beneficence is the first of five principles advanced in the Ethical Framework for a “Good AI Society” (Floridi et al. 2018). This framework declares that AI offers opportunities for the promotion of human dignity and flourishing in four fundamental ways: by the advancement of autonomous self-realization, “who we can become”, by promoting human agency, “what we can do”, by enhancing individual and societal capabilities, “what we can achieve”, and by contributing to societal cohesion, “how we can interact with each other and the world”.

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Ai & Society. Curmudgeon paper


There is a disturbing discrepancy between the AI ethics frameworks that highlight the technology’s ability to promote the social good and the relationship between AI and humans as it has played out in one of the places where its deployment has been the most elaborate so far, Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

That AI should promote human beneficence is the first of five principles advanced in the Ethical Framework for a “Good AI Society” (Floridi et al. 2018). This framework declares that AI offers opportunities for the promotion of human dignity and flourishing in four fundamental ways: by the advancement of autonomous self-realization, “who we can become”, by promoting human agency, “what we can do”, by enhancing individual and societal capabilities, “what we can achieve”, and by contributing to societal cohesion, “how we can interact with each other and the world”.

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