Justicia Intergeneracional

Mosquera, Julia | 2021

In Íñigo GonzálezJahel Queralt, Razones públicas: Una introducción a la filosofía política, Ariel, 2021

About the Chapter

“Intergenerational Justice”

Future generations are a crucial concern of our time given the potentially devastating effects that some of our actions, such as climate change or the disposal of nuclear waste, will have to those who will live after us. This chapter provides a systematic overview of the main themes around the consideration of future generations. The chapter discusses the basis for the moral consideration of future generations and how to understand some of the traditional challenges associated with the status of future people; it introduces some of the principles of distributive justice that can be appealed to in the intergenerational context; and it discusses different proposals for the democratic representation of future generations.

About the Book

Which forms of government are legitimate? What principles should govern health care and taxes? What obligations do we have with future generations, as well as with nature and animals? Who should protect freedom of expression and basic rent? Is it permissible to resort to civil disobedience, secession, or war?

This book is an extraordinary introduction to the answers that contemporary philosophy, along with the social sciences, has recently provided to these and other political questions. Written by well-known experts, the essays of this book address some of the big questions that preoccupy the philosophers of today, from influential trends like Marxism, Liberalism, and Republicanism, to crucial topics like feminism, nationalism, distributive justice, political authority and the rule of law, together with environmental issues, migration, religion, and human rights, among others.

With a clear and simple style, and an analytical approach, the book analyzes the contemporary political arena, focusing on the main arguments and problems that conform the field of contemporary political philosophy, as well as the most urgent challenges that our societies face.

More about the book (in Spanish) 


In Íñigo GonzálezJahel Queralt, Razones públicas: Una introducción a la filosofía política, Ariel, 2021

About the Chapter

“Intergenerational Justice”

Future generations are a crucial concern of our time given the potentially devastating effects that some of our actions, such as climate change or the disposal of nuclear waste, will have to those who will live after us. This chapter provides a systematic overview of the main themes around the consideration of future generations. The chapter discusses the basis for the moral consideration of future generations and how to understand some of the traditional challenges associated with the status of future people; it introduces some of the principles of distributive justice that can be appealed to in the intergenerational context; and it discusses different proposals for the democratic representation of future generations.

About the Book

Which forms of government are legitimate? What principles should govern health care and taxes? What obligations do we have with future generations, as well as with nature and animals? Who should protect freedom of expression and basic rent? Is it permissible to resort to civil disobedience, secession, or war?

This book is an extraordinary introduction to the answers that contemporary philosophy, along with the social sciences, has recently provided to these and other political questions. Written by well-known experts, the essays of this book address some of the big questions that preoccupy the philosophers of today, from influential trends like Marxism, Liberalism, and Republicanism, to crucial topics like feminism, nationalism, distributive justice, political authority and the rule of law, together with environmental issues, migration, religion, and human rights, among others.

With a clear and simple style, and an analytical approach, the book analyzes the contemporary political arena, focusing on the main arguments and problems that conform the field of contemporary political philosophy, as well as the most urgent challenges that our societies face.

More about the book (in Spanish)