Björn Åstrand, Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier vid Umeå universitet.

Equality and equity in education is since long a key policy priority internationally as well as in Sweden. Despite policy priority these ambitions have been hard to realize. OECD and the Swedish School Commission of 2015 have voiced concern regarding the development in Sweden. The governmental inquiry on improved equity in Swedish education through reduced school segregation and improved resource allocation (2018-2020) was anchored in the analysis offered but the School Commission. This presentation introduces the final report from the inquiry (SOU 2020:28).

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Published on Nov 04, 2020

Equality and equity in Swedish education: policy, practice and historical perspectives

Björn Åstrand, Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier vid Umeå universitet.

Equality and equity in education is since long a key policy priority internationally as well as in Sweden. Despite policy priority these ambitions have been hard to realize. OECD and the Swedish School Commission of 2015 have voiced concern regarding the development in Sweden. The governmental inquiry on improved equity in Swedish education through reduced school segregation and improved resource allocation (2018-2020) was anchored in the analysis offered but the School Commission. This presentation introduces the final report from the inquiry (SOU 2020:28).

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