A Life‐Course Analysis of Geographical Distance to Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents in Sweden

Kolk, Martin | 2017

Population, Space and Place, VolumLäe 23, Issue 3, e2020, doi.org/10.1002/psp.2020


This study makes a contribution to the demography and geography of kinship by studying how internal migration and demography shape the geographical availability of kin in contemporary Sweden. Age structures an individual's relationship with their parents and other kin, and this is reflected in how geographical distance to kin varies over the life course. This study uses a longitudinal approach in which the distance to siblings, parents, and grandparents is measured for the same individuals at different ages. The study follows all men and women in Sweden born in 1970 (N = 74,406) and their kin from age 10 (in 1980) to age 37 (in 2007), examining changes in distances to kin at ages when the cohort leave the parental home and often begin a new family. Swedish administrative registers containing yearly information on residence of everyone in Sweden are used to examine how geographical proximity changes over the life course. The study reveals overall continuity in geographical distance to family members after age 25. Overall, results show that Swedes live close to parents, siblings, and grandparents and have a large family network in their proximity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Läs mer om artikeln: A Life‐Course Analysis of Geographical Distance to Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents in Sweden 


Population, Space and Place, VolumLäe 23, Issue 3, e2020, doi.org/10.1002/psp.2020


This study makes a contribution to the demography and geography of kinship by studying how internal migration and demography shape the geographical availability of kin in contemporary Sweden. Age structures an individual's relationship with their parents and other kin, and this is reflected in how geographical distance to kin varies over the life course. This study uses a longitudinal approach in which the distance to siblings, parents, and grandparents is measured for the same individuals at different ages. The study follows all men and women in Sweden born in 1970 (N = 74,406) and their kin from age 10 (in 1980) to age 37 (in 2007), examining changes in distances to kin at ages when the cohort leave the parental home and often begin a new family. Swedish administrative registers containing yearly information on residence of everyone in Sweden are used to examine how geographical proximity changes over the life course. The study reveals overall continuity in geographical distance to family members after age 25. Overall, results show that Swedes live close to parents, siblings, and grandparents and have a large family network in their proximity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Läs mer om artikeln: A Life‐Course Analysis of Geographical Distance to Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents in Sweden