Shaping the Future. Research Program 2000–2004


Institutet för Framtidsstudiers skriftserie: Framtidsstudier nr 3, 2002

Demography and Democracy in the 21st Century is the title of a five year research program at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm. The title refers to both its scientific content and its core value premises: democracy and rationality.
The program embraces three themes: Demography and Social Transformation; Welfare, Power, and Citizenship; and the Community in the Global Economy.


Institutet för Framtidsstudiers skriftserie: Framtidsstudier nr 3, 2002

Demography and Democracy in the 21st Century is the title of a five year research program at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm. The title refers to both its scientific content and its core value premises: democracy and rationality.
The program embraces three themes: Demography and Social Transformation; Welfare, Power, and Citizenship; and the Community in the Global Economy.
