"A world parliament: Governance and democracy for the 21st century" is here presented by one of the authors, Andreas Bummel at the Institute for Futures Studies in October 2018. Adrienne Sörbom and Hans Agné provide input to a discussion of the topic and Folke Tersman moderates the seminar. The seminar was arranged together with Democracy without borders and the Global Challenges Foundation.

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Publicerat 30 okt, 2018

Book launch with Andreas Bummel: A world parliament

"A world parliament: Governance and democracy for the 21st century" is here presented by one of the authors, Andreas Bummel at the Institute for Futures Studies in October 2018. Adrienne Sörbom and Hans Agné provide input to a discussion of the topic and Folke Tersman moderates the seminar. The seminar was arranged together with Democracy without borders and the Global Challenges Foundation.

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