Is There a Hidden Potential for Rural Population Growth in Sweden?

Thomas Niedomysl and Jan Amcoff 2010

This paper examines whether a hidden potential for rural population growth can be found in Sweden through investigating survey data of people expressing their desire to move to rural areas, and register data of those who actually do so. Amongst the findings, more people have rural residential preferences than the actual number of migrants to rural areas suggest, thus there is a general potential for rural population growth.

Download Working Paper 2010 no.2

This paper examines whether a hidden potential for rural population growth can be found in Sweden through investigating survey data of people expressing their desire to move to rural areas, and register data of those who actually do so. Amongst the findings, more people have rural residential preferences than the actual number of migrants to rural areas suggest, thus there is a general potential for rural population growth.

Download Working Paper 2010 no.2