Moral uncertainty

Bykvist, Krister | 2017

Philosophy Compass, 12:3 2017. DOI: 10.1111/phc3.12408


What should we do when we are not certain about what we morally should do? There is a long history of theorizing about decision-making under empirical uncertainty, but surprisingly little has been written about the moral uncertainty expressed by this question. Only very recently have philosophers started to systematically address the nature of such uncertainty and its impacts on decision-making. This paper addresses the main problems raised by moral uncertainty and critically examines some proposed solutions.

Read more about the article: Moral uncertainty

Philosophy Compass, 12:3 2017. DOI: 10.1111/phc3.12408


What should we do when we are not certain about what we morally should do? There is a long history of theorizing about decision-making under empirical uncertainty, but surprisingly little has been written about the moral uncertainty expressed by this question. Only very recently have philosophers started to systematically address the nature of such uncertainty and its impacts on decision-making. This paper addresses the main problems raised by moral uncertainty and critically examines some proposed solutions.

Read more about the article: Moral uncertainty