#YouToo? When the predator is your partner

The #MeToo movement has recently been praised by the United Nations experts in women’s human rights. Yet if sexist violence against women has been under the spotlight and denounced in every context over the last few months, it is crucial to remember that most physical and sexual violence against women is at the hands of their partner.

According to the World Health Organization, 38% of all female murders globally (compared to only 6% of male murders) are perpetrated by a current or former spouse or partner. The prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) more broadly is at “epidemic” proportions: 30% of women world-wide who have been married or in a consensual union have experienced physical or sexual violence at the hands of their partner.

What then, can be done? Read the article #YouToo? When the predator is your partner at The Conversation, by Merike Blofield and Carmen Diana Deere. They are two out of many researchers participating in the project International Panel on Social Progress which aims to show that social progress is possible, by collecting a large amount of insights from the social sciences.

Read more about the project here